Future Female Sound Dj Submit copenhagen 2021
Right after the Pandemic in 2021 and the restrictions in Denmark had just made it possible to open up for people and do bigger gatherings, Future Female Sound gathered all these DJ in Copenhagen and made their first European Female DJ Summit.
Last year Tia Korpe, the Founder and Managing Director of Future Female Sounds, hired me to document their event. This was a two day workshop where women and non-binary DJs from 12 different European countries came together to discuss the challenges and opportunities in the industry. The event was hosted in SOHO, Copenhagen.
Surrounded by talented creative people, encouraging and supporting each other to make a safer space in the DJ industry. Being a fly on the wall documenting everything and at the same time be part of a team that wants the best for everyone was a dream job come true :)
Above and bellow DJ Artèmis.